
GRE Exam: Registration, Pattern, Preparation, Colleges Accepting

Last Updated on September 23, 2023 by Prof. SK Agarwal

GRE Exam 2023: Pattern Revised; Check Eligibility, Registration Process, Fee, Syllabus, Top MBA Colleges in India & Abroad

The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is an important entrance exam for admission to various graduate programmes including MBA, Engineering, Law and other courses in the United States, as well as universities and institutions in other countries. Many top MBA colleges in India including ISB, IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode among others also accept GRE score for MBA admission. Foreign Nationals, NRIs/PIOs can take admission in India based on GRE scores. Indian students planning to study abroad can also apply and appear in GRE exam.

Latest Updates on GRE Test 2023

  • GRE Exam Duration Reduced: GRE Test Duration is 1 Hr 58 Minutes (WEF Sep 22, 2023)
  • GRE Test 2023 & 2024 Available in Two Modes: At Exam Centers and From Home
  • GRE General Test Fee for Indian Students: Rs.22, 550 (As on Oct 21, 2023)
  • GRE Official Scores: Test takers receive their official scores in 8-10 days.
  • Top GRE Accepting MBA Colleges in India: ISB, IIMA, IIMB, IIML (Read Details Below)
  • Top GRE Accepting MBA Colleges Abroad: Harvard, INSEAD, Standford (Read Details Below)

GRE is a standardized test administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is conducted round the year. There are two modes of GRE Exam – GRE Computer based test at exam centers and GRE Online from home. Also, there are two types of GRE exams – GRE General Test for admission to MBA, Law and other programs. GRE General Test evaluates the skills of the students in Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. The other GRE exam is subject specific test like in Mathematics, Physics and Psychology for admission to specialized programs.

This article discusses all about the GRE General Test which is not subject specific and is required for admission to MBA and other programs with details on What is GRE Exam, GRE Eligibility, GRE Registration Process & Fees, GRE General Test Pattern, Syllabus, How to prepare, Availability of GRE Scores, Top GRE Colleges in India and abroad. With effect from September 22, 2023, GRE Test duration is reduced to 1 hour 58 minutes. As such GRE 2023 and GRE 2024 remain on same pattern. Read the Table of Contents below to know all about GRE exam

Table of Content

  • 1. What is GRE?

  • 2. GRE 2023 Key Highlights

  • 3. GRE Exam Pattern 2023 Onwards

  • 4. GRE Syllabus 2023

  • 5. GRE 2023 Preparation Tips: GRE Books, Best Coaching, Official Guide

  • 6. GRE Test Registration Process: How to Register for GRE 2023 onwards?

  • 7. GRE Eligibility Criteria 2023 Onwards

  • 8. Top MBA Colleges Accepting GRE in the World

  • 9. Top MBA Colleges in India Accepting GRE Scores

  • 10. GRE Exam Centers

  • 11. GRE 2023 Result

  • 12. GRE Vs GMAT: Key Features, Similarities & Differences

  • 13. GRE Vs CAT: Key Features, Similarities & Differences

  • 14. GRE Exam Dates & Test Centers 2023

  • 15. GRE FAQs

1. What is GRE?

GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. Conducted by US-based Education Testing Service (ETS). So, if we look for the answer to the query – What is GRE Exam, Why take the GRE test, what is GRE score validity, we get following clarification from official GRE sources - GRE is a standardized, computer-based, multichoice exam accepted by all top US Universities for MBA, MS, Law and other graduate programs. So, why take the GRE test? The answer is that GRE exam scores are accepted by more than 1,300 business schools including Harvard, Wharton, Chicago and almost all other Top 50 B-schools as ranked by Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Financial Times and U.S. News & World Report. According to information shared by GRE, more than 75,000 test takers take the GRE exam from India only. Besides, GRE is not a difficult exam. GRE exam has 3 sections: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section, Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning. GRE Exam 2023 can be a good alternative to GMAT, particularly for students who have good English language skills. Also, taking GRE exam cost less than GMAT exam. GRE score validity is for a period of 5 years.

The GRE is a computer-based test, and the order of the sections may vary for each test taker. It is adaptive in nature, meaning the difficulty level of the questions may adjust based on the test taker's performance. With effect from September 22, 2023, a shorter GRE of 2 hours is conducted by ETS instead of earlier GRE of 3 hours and 45 minutes as it caused fatigue to the test takers. Besides the Shorter GRE exam also matches the GMAT Exam Focus Edition.

2. GRE 2023 Key Highlights

The GRE aims to assess the readiness of students for graduate-level academic work and evaluates their verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing skills.GRE Exam highlights are:

GRE Exam Highlights
GRE Exam Details
GRE Full Form
Graduate Record Examination
GRE Exam Conducting Body
Education Testing Service (ETS)
GRE Exam Official website
Type of GRE Exam
Computer Adaptive Test with subsequent question based on performance on previous answer
GRE 2023 & GRE 2024 Testing Mode
1. Computer Based Test at Exam Centre
2. Online Proctored Test (Can be Taken from Home)
GRE Test Dates 2023
Available round the year; Register and check available GRE Exam Dates 2023 in India
GRE Question Paper 2023 onwards: Total Sections
Total Questions in Present GRE Exam
Including Essay Tasks
GRE Question Paper 2023:  Sections with number of questions
Analytical writing: 1 Essay Writing Task
Quantitative Reasoning (QR): 27 Qs
Verbal Reasoning (VR): 27 Qs
Sectional Individual Time Limit to Attempt the Questions
Analytical Writing: 30 Minutes
Quantitative Reasoning (QR): 47 Minutes
Verbal Reasoning (VR): 41 Minutes
Total GRE Exam Duration
1 hr 58 minutes
Type of Questions in GRE
Analytical Writing-Descriptive
Sections Responsible for Arriving at Merit Score in GRE 2023 Onwards
Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning,
Analytical writing
GRE Exam Syllabus & Pattern at A Glance
QR: Focuses on problem-solving and data interpretation using basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis skills
VR: Assesses reading comprehension, text completion, and sentence equivalence skills
Analytical Writing: Requires writing essay expressing and supporting perspectives on given topics
Negative Marking in GRE Exam Pattern
The GRE 2023 pattern does not have any negative marking
GRE Test Centers 
GRE 2023 Exam Centers are located across the countries in almost all the major cities. In India alone, GRE is conducted in all the metro cities and many other cities.
Besides, GRE can be taken as Online Test from home without opting for a test center.
Validity of GRE Scores
5 Years
GRE Application Process
Online Application Submission
GRE Exam Fee Payment
GRE Exam Fee Payment can be done through Internet Banking, Debit/Credit Card/NEFT
GRE Result
In 8-10 Days from the Date of Taking Exam.
GRE Cutoff
GRE cutoff is decided by the respective B-school where you plan to take admission
GRE Colleges
All the top MBA colleges across the Globe accept GRE score for MBA admission. Top GRE Colleges include HBS, Stanford, INSEAD, LBS, ISB  among others

3. GRE Exam Pattern 2023 Onwards

Starting September 22, 2023, the GRE exam pattern has changed. GRE tests the readiness of students for graduate-level academic work and evaluates their verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing skills. The exam is conducted round the year and you can apply and appear in GRE five times a year to improve your GRE score and percentile. GRE is conducted in two testing modes – Computer based test at Exam Centres and Online Proctored Test which you can take from the convenience of your home. If we compare GRE Test Pattern for the GRE Computer-based Exam vs GRE Paper-based Exam, we find that presently there is no GRE paper based test.  Below is shared the GRE Exam Pattern and Sectional composition

Test Structure
Sectional Time
Analytical Writing
1 section, 1 essay task
30 minutes
Quantitative Reasoning
2 sections, 27 questions total
47 minutes
Verbal Reasoning
2 sections, 27 questions total
41 minutes
Total Time
1 hour, 58 minutes

4. GRE Syllabus 2023

GRE exam syllabus is clearly defined for each of its three sections. The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) consists of three main sections that assess different skills and abilities. GRE is conducted in two testing modes – Computer based test at Exam Centres and Online Proctored Test which you can take from the convenience of your home. The GRE syllabus for both testing modes is same. Shared below is the GRE section wise syllabus:

GRE Syllabus for Verbal Reasoning

  • Reading Comprehension: Assessing the ability to understand and analyze written passages across various subjects.
  • Text Completion: Evaluating the ability to complete sentences by selecting the appropriate words or phrases.
  • Sentence Equivalence: Testing the understanding of sentence structure and the ability to identify words with similar meanings.

GRE Syllabus for Quantitative Reasoning

  • Arithmetic: Topics include properties and types of integers, operations with integers, and concepts of factors and multiples.
  • Algebra: Covers topics such as operations and properties of algebraic expressions, equations, inequalities, and functions.
  • Geometry: Focuses on concepts of lines, angles, triangles, circles, polygons, and three-dimensional figures.
  • Data Analysis: Involves interpretation and analysis of data presented in tables, graphs, and charts.

GRE Syllabus for Analytical Writing

  • Issue Task: Requires the test taker to present a position on a given issue and support it with relevant examples and evidence.
  • Argument Task: Involves critiquing an argument by identifying its logical flaws and providing a well-structured analysis.

GRE Syllabus covers the major areas as tested in the GRE exam. Familiarizing yourself with these topics and practicing relevant questions will help you prepare effectively for each section of the exam.

5. GRE 2023 Preparation Tips: GRE Books, Best Coaching, Official Guide

You should be clear about what is your GRE goal? A good GRE score is 135-150, from a total of 340+. But if you want to get into IVY League B-schools like Harvard Business School, INSEAD, London Business School etc…then you must target 180-200. You can achieve this with a 12-weeks of GRE study plan for GRE 2023 preparation tips which involve thorough understanding of GRE Question Pattern, Preparing as per GRE Exam Pattern and Syllabus, Opting the best GRE Coaching, Reading right GRE Books and practicing with GRE official Guide, taking as many as GRE Mock tests and attempting previous GRE question papers.

Key GRE preparation tips, as shared by experts are:  

  • Check Section wise GRE preparation guide and tips
  • Get Right GRE Study Material
  • Join Best GRE Coaching like TIME, CL among others
  • Read online from best GRE websites like Magoosh, Kaplan among others
  • Read official GRE guide and attempt with practice and previous GRE questions
  • Attempt as many GRE Mocks as possible

6. GRE Test Registration Process: How to Register for GRE 2023 onwards?

Registering for a GRE test is not difficult. GRE online Registration process and GRE exam registration fees for different services is shared below:

6.1 GRE Registration: Step by Step Process
The step by step process for GRE Online Registration and to fill GRE application form is explained below.

  • Step-1: Login to GRE official website ets.org and click on ‘Register for GRE’ 
  • Step-2: Create a GRE Account: Log in to your ETS account or create an account. If you haven’t already created an ETS account, review the ID requirements page. It’s essential that the name you register should match exactly the name as it appears on the ID you plan to use on test day. You are required to submit the Information like your First Name, Last Name, e-mail id, password
  • Step-3: Find Test Center: On the GRE home page, select Register/Find Test Centers
  • Step-4: Click on GRE Gen: Select the GRE General Test and Verify your email address, then continue.
  • Step-5: Schedule Your GRE exam date and time: To select your test appointment, confirm your time zone, or select a new one. Choose the two-month window you want to search and then select your preferred date from the calendar. Select an available time/date to test and click “Register for this test.”
  • Step-6: Make payment of GRE exam fees: Complete your registration and pay your GRE test fees as given below.
  • Step-7: Confirmation on Mail: You will receive confirmation on email from ETS on completion of GRE registration

6.2 GRE Test Registration Fee
GRE application process will remain incomplete till the GRE Exam Registration Fee Payment is not made. You need to pay for GRE Registration and exam fees for the various services like GRE registration, Exam Rescheduling, Cancellation among others as below:

GRE Exam Services
GRE Fees in India
GRE General Test
GRE Subject Test
GRE Exam Rescheduling fee
Rs.  5,000
Changing the GRE test center
Rs.  5,000
Changing the GRE Subject Test
Rs.  5,000
Addition GRE Score Report
Rs.  2,900
Score Review
Rs.  5,900
Score Reinstatement
Rs.  5,000
Returned Payment
Rs.  2,900

6.3 GRE exam fees Payment: Options Available
GRE Registration Fees can be paid through multiple options as below:

GRE Fee Payment Globally: You can make payment online through Visa, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards

GRE Fee Payment in India: GRE Exam Fee payments in India can be made through

  • Visa, MasterCard, Maestro credit and debit cards
  • Rupay credit and debit cards
  • UPI and Bharat QR payments including the following digital wallets FreeCharge, PayZapp, Airtel Money, Google Pay; MobiKwik; JioMoney; Ola Money; PhonePe; Amazon Pay; Paytm, WhatsApp, and all BHIM UPI enabled banking apps
  • Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) for Visa and MasterCard cards issued outside India will also be supported.

7. GRE Eligibility Criteria 2023 Onwards

So, what are GRE Eligibility criteria for 2023 onwards? In fact, anybody can take the GRE General Test. There is no specific eligibility requirement like age, academic qualification. Global and Indian applicants should match their eligibility criteria with the respective institutes, universities, programmes and courses. While GRE scores are accepted by many top MBA colleges abroad for students from India, very few MBA colleges in India accept GRE score for MBA admission from Indian domicile students. Top MBA colleges in the world and in India accepting GRE score for different types of Indian students are as shared below: 

7.1 Indian Students, NRIs, Foreign Nationals can Apply
Following category of students can apply for admission abroad with GRE score:

  • Students from India as well as Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs)
  • Indians with Foreign Citizenship
  • Respective Country’s Own Citizens
  • Foreign Nationals

8. Top MBA Colleges Accepting GRE in the World

Students from every country can explore MBA admission opportunity in the MBA colleges across the Globe with their GRE Scores. If students from India plan to study abroad, they can get admission based on GRE Score in following top MBA colleges abroad. Please note that GRE Application fees for Indian candidates residing in India and for NRIs/PIOs is different. Here is the List of Top GRE Accepting MBA Colleges by Country:

8.1 Top MBA Colleges accepting GRE Scores in USA
Not only students of United States of America but also of India and all other countries can get MBA admission in following top MBA colleges in USA based on GRE score

  1. Harvard Business School
  2. Stanford Graduate School of Business
  3. Wharton School
  4. University of Chicago – Booth
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Sloan
  6. Northwestern University – Kellogg
  7. Yale School of Management
  8. Columbia Business School
  9. Cornell University – Johnson
  10. New York University – Stern
  11. University of California Berkeley – Haas
  12. Dartmouth College – Tuck
  13. Duke University – Fuqua
  14. University of Michigan Ann Arbor – Ross
  15. Carnegie Mellon University – Tepper
  16. University of Virginia – Darden
  17. Emory University – Goizueta
  18. University of Texas Austin – McCombs
  19. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill – Kenan Flagler
  20. University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

8.2 Top MBA Colleges accepting GRE Scores in UK & Europe
Not only students of UK & Europe but also students of India and all other countries can get MBA admission in following top MBA colleges in UK & Europe based on GRE score

  1. London Business School – LBS, UK
  2. Oxford University – Said, UK
  3. University of Cambridge – Judge, UK
  4. Cranfield University, UK
  5. University of Manchester, UK
  6. HEC, Paris
  7. INSEAD, France
  8. IMD Lausanne, Switzerland
  9. IESE Business School, Spain
  10. Instituto de Empresa (IE), Spain

8.3 Top MBA Colleges accepting GRE Scores in Canada
Not only students of Canada but also students of India and all other countries can get MBA admission in following top MBA colleges in Canada based on GRE score

  1. University of Toronto: Rotman
  2. University of Western Ontario – Ivey
  3. HEC Montreal
  4. University of British Columbia – Sauder
  5. York University – Schulich

8.4 Top MBA Colleges in Singapore accepting GRE Scores
Resident students of Singapore as well as students of India and all other countries can get MBA admission in following top Universities and MBA colleges in Singapore based on GRE score

  1. National University of Singapore (NUS)
  2. Nanyang Technological University
  3. INSEAD Singapore Campus
  4. SMU Singapore

8.5 Top MBA Colleges in Hong Kong & China accepting GRE Scores
Resident students of China and Hongkong as well as students of India and all other countries can get MBA admission in following top Universities and MBA colleges in Hongkong & China based on GRE score

  1. Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
  2. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
  3. Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen)
  4. China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
  5. Fudan University International MBA

Above list includes only Top MBA Colleges accepting GRE. There are more than 1300 Universities and B-schools that accept GRE. So, if you have a good GRE score, your options are endless!

9. Top MBA Colleges in India Accepting GRE Scores

While domestic candidates of India have limited options to get MBA admission in top MBA colleges in India with GRE scores, the NRIs, PIOs and Foreign Nationals can explore High Admission opportunity in MBA programmes through GRE score in India:

Can Domestic Indian Students Apply with GRE
Can NRI/PIO/Foreign National Apply with GRE Score
ISB Hyderabad/Mohali
1 Year PGP
1 Year PGPX
1 Year EPGP
IIM Kozhikode
2 Year PGP-Finance; 2 Year PGP-LSM; 1 Year PGP-BL
IIM Lucknow
1 Year IPMX
IIM Indore
1 Year EPGP
1 Year MBA-GSCM; 1 Year MBA-DEM
Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam
XLRI Jamshedpur
1½ Year PGDM-GM

10. GRE Exam Centers

GRE exam is conducted across the Globe in many countries and in each country there are many cities where GRE exam is conducted. GRE exam centers in India are also spread across the country and the exam is conducted in many cities in India like Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Chennai, Gurgaon, Mysore, Kolkata, Pune, Hyderabad among others.

11. GRE 2023 Result

GRE exam result with score card is made available on your GRE account in 8-10 business days from the date of taking the exam. You will be notified via email once your Official GRE Score Report is available.

12. GRE Vs GMAT: Key Features, Similarities & Differences

GRE and GMAT both have many similarities and differences as below:

General Admissions Test for MBA, Law,
Business school admissions test
Exam Structure
Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Analytical Writing
Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Assesses reading comprehension, text completion, and sentence equivalence skills
Evaluates reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction skills
Quantitative Reasoning
Focuses on problem-solving and data interpretation using basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis skills
Tests problem-solving and data sufficiency skills, often in a business-oriented context
Analytical Writing
Requires writing essay expressing and supporting perspectives on given topics
Includes one essay task analyzing an argument
Integrated Reasoning
Not included in the exam
Assesses ability to analyze and interpret data presented in various formats
Score Validity
Valid for five years
Valid for five years

13. GRE Vs CAT: Key Features, Similarities & Differences

GRE and CAT both have many similarities and differences as below:


GRE Exam 2023 onwards

CAT 2023 Exam

Exam Full Form

GRE Full Form is Graduate Record Examinations

CAT full form is Common Admission Test

Test Duration

1 hour 58 minutes

2 hours

Number of sections



Name of sections, No. of Questions & Time limit

Analytical Writing: 1 Task: 30 Minutes;

Quantitative Reasoning: 27 Qs: 47 Minutes

Verbal Reasoning: 27 Qs: 41 Minutes

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension: 24 Qs: 40 Minutes; Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning:20 Qs: 40 Minutes; Quantitative Ability: 22 Qs: 40 Minutes

Availability of Score Card

GRE Score Card is sent in 8-10 days to the candidates

Candidates need to download scorecard on a fixed date from iimcat.ac.in


GRE Scholarships are offered to meritorious candidates

No such scholarships are offered by CAT conducting IIMs. B-schools offer scholarships to deserving CAT high scorers

Score Validity

5 Years

1 Academic session

Exam Purpose

GRE is for What Purpose? GRE score is accepted for admission to various courses like Engineering, Law, MBA among others by many top colleges across the world

CAT is for MBA admission in IIMs and other B-schools in India

14. GRE Exam Dates & Test Centers 2023

14.1 GRE Dates 2023 for Delhi

Dates: November 2023


01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30

GURGAON, 8927 INDIA: PROMETRIC TESTING PVT LTD Iris Tech Park, 2nd Floor Tower A, Sector 48,, GURGAON, IND

GURGAON, 8938 INDIA: Prometric Testing Pvt Ltd Iris Tech Park, 2nd Floor Tower A, Sector 48,, Gurgaon, IND

COUNCIL FOR AMERICAN EDUCATION: A-260 (3RD Floor) Defence colony, New Delhi, IND

CPS Global Pvt Ltd: West End Mall, Office No. 502, 6th floor near Janakpuri West Metro Station, New Delhi, IND

Merit: A-9, Qutab Institutional Area Qutab Institutional Area,Near JNU, New Delhi, IND

Merit: A-9, U.S.O Road Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi, IND

Prometric Testing Private Limited: Iris Tech Park, Tower A, 2nd Floor Sector 48 Sohna Road, Gurgaon, IND

Test is not available all locations on all dates.


14.2 GRE Dates 2023 for Bangalore

Dates: November 2023


01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

BENGALURU, 8918 INDIA: Prometric Testing Pvt Ltd 3rd Floor Tower B Prestige ShantiNiketan, Bengaluru, IND
IDomain Technologies: NO 82/1, 2nd Floor, 17th Main Road K.H.B Colony, Koramangala 5th Block, Bangalore, IND
IDomain Technologies: NO 82/1, 2nd Floor, 17th Main Road K.H.B Colony, Koramangla, 5th Block, Bangalore, IND
Prometric Testing Private Limited: 3rd Floor Tower B Prestige ShantiNiketan Whitefield, Bangalore, IND

Prometric Testing Private Limited: 3rd Floor Tower B Prestige ShantiNiketan Whitefield, Bangalore, IND

Acharya Education Services Pvt Ltd.: ACHARYA EDUCATION SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED (For Acharya Institute of English & Foreign Languages), Bangalore, IND

Test is not available all locations on all dates.

14.3 GRE Dates 2023 for Mumbai

Dates: November 2023


01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30

MUMBAI, 8921 INDIA: Prometric Testing Pvt Ltd 6th Floor,Techniplex1 (Gate No.2),Goregaon(W), Mumbai, IND


Collegepond Counsellors Pvt Ltd: ML Spaces, Dashrathlal Joshi Rd 2nd Fl, Ofc. 206, Above Bank of Baroda, Mumbai, IND

World Assessments (Navi): BSEL Tech Park,Opp Vashi Railway Station,Vashi Room 104, 1st fl., Navi Mumbai, IND

World Assessments: Baba Saheb Gawde Institute of Management Nxt to Maratha Mandir, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, IND


Test is not available all locations on all dates.

15. GRE FAQs

Q: What has changed in GRE?
 GRE has become shorter from September 22, 2023. It is now less than 2 hours exam instead of about 4 hours exam earlier. Number of questions is reduced and GRE score card is made available in 8-10 days instead of earlier 15 days.

Q: Is the answering time to a question is also reduced in GRE?
 No, it remains the same

Q: When I can register and apply for GRE
 Registration for GRE is open. You need to choose the exam date and check availability of slot.


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