
MICAT 1 Exam Analysis 2025: Difficult and Lengthy Paper; Delays Reported

Last Updated on December 7, 2024 by Prof. SK Agarwal

MICAT 1 Exam Analysis 2025: MICAT 1 exam was held on December 7, 2024. MICAT 1 Exam Pattern was similar to last year, but the paper was lengthy and tougher than previous year with many surprise questions. According to some unhappy students, MICAT 1 Paper started late. Instead of 9.00 AM, MICAT 1 paper started at 10.30 AM. MICAT 1 Overall Cut Offs is expected to be around 22-25 Marks. Read MICAT 1 Exam Analysis 2025 below.  

Table of Content

  • 1. MICAT 1 Exam Pattern 2025: Overview

  • 2. MICAT 1 Exam Pattern 2025

  • 3. MICAT 1 Exam Analysis 2025: Difficulty Level

  • 4. MICAT 1 Exam Analysis 2025: Section wise Analysis

  • 5. MICAT 1 Exam Analysis 2025: Cut Offs

  • 6. Previous Year MICAT Analysis

  • 7. MICAT-1 Analysis from Experts at IMS

  • 8. MICAT 2023 Analysis

1. MICAT 1 Exam Pattern 2025: Overview

MICAT 1 exam consisted of 3 sections:

  • Section A: Psychometric Test with 150 Questions to be answered in 30 mins
  • Section B: Descriptive Test with 4 questions to be answered in 25 mins
  • Section C: This section has 4 sub-sections: Divergent and Convergent Thinking; Verbal Ability, Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation and General awareness. 
MICAT Sample Paper 2024-25

2. MICAT 1 Exam Pattern 2025

Section No of QuestionTime AvailableDifficulty Level
Psychometric Test15030 minNo right or wrong answers
Descriptive Test425 minEasy
Divergent and Convergent Thinking 2080 minModerate to Difficulty 
Verbal Ability20 Moderate
Quantitative Ability and DI20 Moderate to Difficulty
General Awareness10 Moderate to Difficulty

MICAT 1 Exam Marking Scheme 

  • Navigation between sections not allowed 
  • Section C carried 1 mark per question. 0.25 for each incorrect response. 
  • No Negative Marks for the Psychometric Test and the Descriptive Test 
  • Psychometric Test is compulsory and the performance in the psychometric test is used as a qualifying criterion for the next stage. Candidates must attempt all the questions in the Psychometric Test to ensure that their paper is evaluated. However, the marks or the assessment criteria of the test are not revealed to the candidates. 
MICAT Sample Paper 2024-25

4. MICAT 1 Exam Analysis 2025: Section wise Analysis

Section A: Psychometric test 
Around 33 questions presented a situation/course of action and the test-taker had to mark either True or False. Around 117 questions were about a particular personality trait or a course of action which required the candidates to respond with one of the following 8 options: 

  • Totally Disagree 
  • Strongly Disagree 
  • Disagree 
  • Somewhat Disagree 
  • Somewhat Agree 
  • Agree 
  • Strongly Agree 
  • Totally Agree 

Section B: Descriptive Test 
This section is designed to assess writing ability and creative skills. The first three questions were related to each other. The topic for the first three questions was “There is merit in hierarchy”. For the first two questions, students had to write three points each, ‘for’ and ‘against’ the topic. These two questions carried 10 marks each. 
In the third question, students had to write a 300-word answer to how young managers can promote hierarchy in their organizations to make it more efficient. 20 marks were allocated to this question. 
In the fourth question, four pictures were shown. The pictures were labeled as: luggage; a roadside market; an insect on food; a camel. Candidates had to write a narrative/story using these images in any order (A-B-C-D or D-C-B-A or any such combination).  The order was to be mentioned before the story. This question carried 30 marks. 

Section C: Aptitude Test 
The aptitude test had 4 sub-sections with a total of 70 questions, to be solved within 80 minutes. One surprising detail was that this section had a mix of questions with 8, 5 and 4 options! This confused and puzzled students.


TopicNo. of Questions
Verbal Reasoning 
Word Association4
Statement Conclusion (Truth and Lies)1
Non-verbal reasoning 
Visual Reasoning- 3 (analogy, sequence completion, paper folding)15 (8 questions with 4 options + 7 questions with 8 options)
Data Sufficiency – 1 
Puzzles – 12, Arrangement (Linear – 2, Circular – 1), Symbol based Family Tree – 2, Directions – 2 (based on Pythagorean triplet), Coding-2, Number analogy-1 Alphanumeric Sequence -1, odd one out –series-1  

Verbal Ability – Type of Questions 

TopicNo. of Questions
Reading Comprehension - Passage 1 [Homophily and acrophily on social media- 600 words]5
Fill in the blanks [3 Cloze; 2 questions with 1/4 blanks]5
Choose the correct sentence, Synonyms [2]3
Critical Reasoning - Inference, Paragraph completion, Jumbled paragraphs, Analogy, Summary, Odd sentence7

In this section, 8-10 questions (in about 15-20 minutes with 90% accuracy)  would be considered a good attempt. 

According to IMS Coaching, “this question was the most difficult section in the test. In fact, the level of difficulty of some questions in this section was higher than the level of difficulty of CAT questions. Majority of questions had 8 options. Most of the questions were bulky in nature with lot of data. That made navigating through the section rather difficult.” Following was the break-up of the questions in this section:

AreaType of Question 
Arithmetic Average, Mixtures & Alligations, Ratio-Proportion, Partnership. 
Algebra Quadratic equations 
Geometry Quadrilaterals, Polygons 
Modern Math Set Theory (Venn Diagram), Probability 
Numbers Sequence - odd one out, Factors 
Data InterpretationBar Graph 

Out of the 10 questions in this section, 2-3 questions were of ‘match the column’ type while 5 were based on marketing and branding. 2-3 questions were of ‘Identify the facts/true statements’ type. Static GK contributed 2 questions while the remaining 8 questions were based on current affairs. 

MICAT Sample Paper 2024-25

5. MICAT 1 Exam Analysis 2025: Cut Offs

According to IMS coaching, “Students who have ‘cleared’ the Psychometric Test and secured an overall score of 25 in Sections C (i) to C (iv) can expect a call for the GE-PI round”. 

According to Career Launcher, MICAT 1 Test Cut off is about 22-25 marks. 

MICAT Sample Paper 2024-25

7. MICAT-1 Analysis from Experts at IMS

MICAT (MICA Admission Test) is the ONLINE entrance exam for PGDM-C/PGDM from MICA, Ahmedabad. Generally MICAT is held twice for admission to the batch in the ensuing  year. MICAT-I is held in December and MICAT-II in January for the batch commencing a few months later in June/July.

MICAT I 2023 for 2024-2026 batch was held on December 02, 2023, from 9 AM to 11:15 AM.

Test Structure and the IMS estimate of good attempts:

SectionNameNo. Of QuestionsTime allocatedGood Attempts
APsychometric Test15030 minutesALL
BDescriptive Test425 minutesALL
Ci. Divergent and Convergent Thinking20   80 minutes12-13
ii. Verbal Ability2011-12
iii. Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation209-10
iv. General Awareness105- 6
  • Navigation between sections not allowed
  • Section C carried 1 mark per question. 0.25 for each incorrect response.
  • No Negative Marks for the Psychometric Test and the Descriptive Test
  • Psychometric Test is compulsory and the performance in the psychometric test is used as a qualifying criterion for the next stage. Candidates must attempt all the questions in the Psychometric Test to ensure that their paper is evaluated. However, the marks or the assessment criteria of the test are not revealed to the candidates.


Students who have ‘cleared’ the Psychometric Test and secured an overall score of 25 in Sections C (i) to C (iv) can expect a call for the GE-PI round (subject to their fulfilling the other criteria specified  here.


Section – A

There were 150 questions in this section.

Apparently, there are no correct or incorrect responses in a psychometric test. Around 37  questions presented a situation/course of action and the test-taker had to mark either True or False. Around 113  questions  were about a particular personality trait or a course of action. which required the candidates to respond with one of the following 8 options.

  • Totally Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Totally Agree

Given that 150 questions were to be attempted in 30 minutes, it was necessary to work fast and mark the answer quickly.

Section – B

This section tested the analytical and descriptive writing ability and creative skills of test-takers. The first three questions were related to each other. The topic for the first three questions was “If social media gets really social”. For the first two questions, students had to write three points each, ‘for’ and ‘against’ the topic. These two questions carried 10 marks each.

In the third question, students had to write a 300 word answer to ‘how a young manager can employ the social ability of social media to create an egalitarian work culture in their organization’ The instructions stated that the points for the third question should not include the points stated in the first two questions. 20 marks were allocated to this question.

The fourth question in this section consisted of four pictures. Students had to write down a story using these images in any  order (A-B-C-D or D-C-B-A or any such combination).  The order was to be mentioned before the story.  The pictures were related to: ‘A red square, A roadside barber, A monument, A chariot without a horse’. This question carried 30 marks.

This section was to be attempted in 25 minutes and carried no negative marking.

Section C


The aptitude test had 4 sub-sections with a total of 70 questions. These 70 questions had to be solved within 80 minutes. The test this year had a mix of questions with 8, 6, 5 and 4 options. This was a change from the previous year Out of 70 questions, about 30 had 8 options. 


The Reasoning section comprised 20 questions including word-association, analogies, statement-assumption, data sufficiency, puzzle, numerical series-odd one out, Circular arrangement and visual reasoning questions.

TopicNo. of Qs.Overall Difficulty Level
Verbal reasoning  
Word Association2Medium
Collective Noun1Medium
 Non-verbal reasoning
Visual Reasoning – 3
(Analogy, sequence completion, paper folding)


(8 questions with 4 options + 8 questions with 8 options)

Data Sufficiency – 1
Puzzles – 12
Arrangement (Linear – 2, Circular – 1), Symbol based Family Tree – 2, Directions – 2 (based on pythagorean triplet),  Coding – 2, Number analogy – 1, Alphanumeric Sequence – 1, Odd One Out – Series – 1

In this section, 12-13 questions (in about 25 minutes with  90 % accuracy) would be considered a good attempt.

(ii) Sub-section: VERBAL ABILITY
This section consisted of jumbled paragraphs, word pairs, paragraph completion(cloze), fill in the blanks, and two Reading Comprehension passages.

Topic  No. of Qs.Overall Level of difficulty.
Reading Comprehension  – Passage 1(Technology and lack of boundaries – 200 words)2Medium
Reading Comprehension  – Passage 2(Commercial traffic in the Indian Ocean – 250 words)4Medium
Fill in the blanks [3 Cloze, 1 4*4 grid]4Easy
Critical Reasoning – Inference1Medium
Jumbled Paragraphs2Medium
Jumbled sentence1Easy
One word substitute – passage2Medium
Odd sentence1Medium

In this section, 11-12 questions (in about 15-20 minutes with 90% accuracy)  would be considered a good attempt.


There were 20 questions in the section, out of which 16 questions were on quantitative ability and 4 questions were on Data Interpretation. The Quantitative Ability section was dominated by 6 Geometry questions and then followed by 5 questions of Arithmetic. Overall, the section was Medium in terms of level of difficulty and it was one notch more difficult than the corresponding section last year. The majority of the questions had as many as 8 options.

There was one calculation intensive set on Data Interpretation involving a bar graph with a table involving 4 questions. The set was a straight-forward one with average figure calculation.

Following was the break-up of the questions in the Quantitative Ability section:

AreaNo. of QsLOD
Average,Mixtures & Alligations,  Linear Race, Ratio-Proportion, Percentages, Partnership.5Medium – Difficult
Rectangle, Pentagon, Cylinder, Trigonometry – 36Medium – Difficult
Modern Math
Set Theory (Venn Diagram), Probability2Difficult
Sequence – odd one out, Factors2Medium
Data Interpretation
Bar Graph & Table4Difficult

In this section, an attempt of about 9-10 questions in about  30  minutes with around 90% accuracy would be considered good.

(iv) Sub-section: GENERAL AWARENESS: The General Awareness section consisted of 10 questions. Out of the 10 questions, 6 questions were of ‘match the column’ type while 4 were based on marketing and branding. Also, Static GK contributed 2 questions while the remaining 8 questions were based on current affairs.In this section, an attempt of 7 – 8 questions in about 5-7 minutes with 70 percent accuracy would be considered good.

MICAT Sample Paper 2024-25

8. MICAT 2023 Analysis

MICAT Exam for MICA admission 2023 has got over at 11.15 AM on Saturday, December 3, 2022. The exam was considered a bit more difficult than last year. A score of 25 in Psychometric Test may lead to the call for PI round by MICA. Apart from being the mandatory exam for MICA admission 2023, MICAT-I has 50% Weightage in Shortlisting for PI round, MICAT-I Analysis reveals that the exam was conducted in 48 cities in India and was taken by a good number of candidates.

Below is shared the MICAT-I Exam 2023 Analysis for MICA Admission 2023

MBAUniverse.com shares MICAT-I exam analysis with following details;
MICAT Exam Pattern
MICAT Difficulty Level as compared to previous year
MICAT expected cut off for MICA admission
MICAT Analysis from top Coaching institutes like IMS, CL, TIME

MICAT-I 2023 was a multidimensional computer based examination. The exam assesss candidates in areas such as Divergent Thinking Abilities, Written Communication Abilities, General Awareness about contemporary social and business issues, including areas relevant to media, marketing, advertising & current affairs and Analytical & Verbal Abilities. The Admission test also included psychometric profiling to assess the candidate’s leadership potential.

MICAT-I Test Duration
Total duration of the examination was of 2 hours and 15 minutes.

MICAT-I Sectional Composition
MICAT-I consisted following three sections

Sections in MICAT-I

Name of Sections

Sectional Time Duration

Section A:

Psychometric Test

30 Minutes

Section B: 

Aptitude Test with 4 Sub Sections:

1)Verbal ability;
2)Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation;
3)General Awareness; 4)Divergent and Convergent Thinking

1 hours 20 Minutes

Section C:

Descriptive Test

25 Minutes

Section Wise Questions, Marking pattern, Important Instructions
The 3 broad sections effectively made the MICAT an exam with 6 sections as per following details:
Section A: Psychometric Test 

  • Total Time allotted to this section was 30 minutes
  • Around 150 questions were to be attempted in 30 minutes
  • The questions had to be quickly answered
  • No Negative Marking for the questions in this section
  • There was no right or wrong answer for the questions in this section
  • It was important to answer all questions in the Psychometric section
  • Any un-attempted question will be allotted ZERO mark
  • You couldnot go back to any other section or move ahead to any other section from Psychometric test until the end of 30 Minutes

Section B: Aptitude Test with 4 Sub sections on Verbal ability; Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation; General Awareness; Divergent and Convergent Thinking

  • Total time allotted to this section was 1 hour and 20 minutes
  • Each correct answer is awarded +1 Mark
  • All questions are of MCQ type
  • Total number of Questions expected in this section are 100
  • Maximum Marks for the section are 100
  • Verbal Ability had 25 questions
  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation had 25 questions
  • General Awareness had 25 questions
  • Divergent and Convergent Reasoning (Thinking) had 25 questions
  • Questions in this section carry negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer.
    Any un-attempted question is allotted ZERO mark.
    You could navigate across sub-sections – 1; 2; 3;4 in the Aptitude test during the allotted time of 1 hour and 20 minutes
  • You couldnot move to any other section like Psychometric Test or Descriptive Test from Aptitude Test till the allotted time of 1 hour 20 minutes was over for Aptitude section

Section C: Descriptive Test
Total time allotted to attempt this section was 25 minutes
All the questions were of descriptive type
Total Questions were 4
You needed to type short answers in the given space

MICAT 2022 Analysis for MICA Admission 2022
MICAT-I: Exam Dates and Time Duration
MICAT I Exam Date: Dec 4, 2021
MICAT I Test Cities: 48
MICAT Exam City Abroad: None
MICAT I Test Duration: 2 Hours 15 Minutes (135 Minutes)
MICAT I Test Timing: 9AM to 11.15AM (Single Session Exam)
Reporting Time at Test Centre: 8 AM
MICAT I Testing Mode: Computer based test

MICAT-I Analysis: Overall Exam Pattern     
MICAT-I exam duration has been reduced to 2 Hours 15 minutes from earlier 2 hours 45 minutes. The revised exam pattern of MICAT Exam held on Dec 4, 2021 was as below:

Sections in MICAT-I
Name of Sections
No. of Questions
Sectional Time Duration
Section A:
Psychometric Test
30 Minutes
Section B: 
Aptitude Test with 4 Sub Sections:
1) Verbal ability:
2) Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation;
3) General Awareness;
4) Divergent and Convergent Thinking
80 Minutes
Section C:
Descriptive Test
25 Minutes

MICAT-I Difficulty Level
Overall difficulty level of MICAT-I exam was moderate

MICAT Analysis 2022: Testing & Scoring pattern
Following was the testing & scoring pattern in MICAT-I held on Dec 4, 2021

  • MICAT offered 1-Minute break between different sections
  • No navigation allowed between MICAT exam sections
  • There were No Negative Marks for the Psychometric Test and the Descriptive Test

MICAT Analysis 2022: Expected Cut offs 

  • Psychometric Test was compulsory and qualifying. Candidates had to attempt all the questions in this test
  • No Negative marking for Psychometric Test and Descriptive Test
  • Students who clear the Psychometric Test and secure an overall score around 36 to39 percent can expect a call for the GE-PI round 
  • The shortlist will be prepared based on the Composite Score formula with 50% weightage for CAT/XAT/GMAT and 50% for MICAT
  • Around 1/10th of the total number of candidates who appear in the two MICATs are shortlisted for GE & PI based on the Total MICAT Scaled Score

 MICAT, conducted by MICA Ahmedabad, is a Computer Based Test (CBT). It is conducted twice for selection of PGDM-C and PGDM programs offered by MICA. A candidate is allowed to appear in both the MICAT exams – MICAT-I and MICAT-II which are conducted in the months of December and January respectively for admission in MICA. Better of the two MICAT Scores are considered for admission. MICAT-I was conducted on Dec 4, 2021 while MICAT-II will be held on January 29, 2022. MICAT-II Analysis will be published after the exam is over. Apart from MBAUniverse.com analysis for MICAT, the detailed analysis by IMS, CL, TIME is also published with exam difficulty level and expected cut offs.

MICAT Sample Paper 2024-25

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